Zhuo Lu (吕卓), Ph.D., Associate Professor
Electrical Engineering / Florida Center for Cybersecurity, University of South Florida.
4202 E. Fowler Avenue, ENG030, Tampa, FL 33620.
Office: ENB 347. Email: zhuolu@usf.edu.

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Short Biography

Dr. Zhuo Lu is an Associate Professor in Department of Electrical Engineering, University of South Florida. He is also affiliated with the Florida Center for Cybersecurity (CyberFlorida) and by courtesy with Department of Computer Science and Engineering. Dr. Lu received his Ph.D. degree from North Carolina State University in 2013. He currently leads the Communications, Security, and Analytics (CSA) Lab at University of South Florida. His research has been supported by NSF, ARO, ONR, DOE and Florida Center for Cybersecurity. He received the NSF CISE CRII award in 2016, the Best Paper Award from IEEE GlobalSIP in 2019, and the NSF CAREER award in 2021. Dr. Lu's research has been mainly focused on wireless mobile design and security, IoT and cyber-physical systems, and seucre AI systems. He is an Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing. He is a senior member of IEEE and a member of ACM and USENIX.

Lab News

[Dec, 2023] Using distance to decision boundary statistics to detect adversarial spectrum attacks is accepted by IEEE INFOCOM 2024.
[Nov, 2023] Wireless resource allocation for federated learning under practical cost contraints has been accepted by IEEE Trans. Mobile Computing.
[Nov, 2023] Using the most limited knowledge to improve transferablity of black-box adversarial audio examples is accepted by NDSS 2024
[Aug, 2023] Understanding the limitation of CSI authentication leveraging machine learning is to appear in IEEE S&P 2024.
[Feb, 2023] The FedLGA paper on heterogeneity of federated learning is accepted by IEEE Trans. Cybernetics.
[Aug, 2022] WiFi location spoofing via geolocation API has been accepted by ACM CCS 2022.
[Aug, 2022] Multi-Server federated learning with overlaping areas is accepted by IEEE Trans. Mobile Computing.
[May, 2022] Generalized federated learning via sharpness aware minimization is to appear in ICML 2022.

Current Students

  • Rui Duan; Ph.D. Student; 2018 - Present.
  • Jiahao Xue; Ph.D. Student; 2021 - Present.
  • ◇ Haiyun Liu; Ph.D. Student (CSE); 2023 - Present.
  • Wenwei Zhao; Ph.D. Student; 2021 - Present.
  • Xiaowen Li; Ph.D. Student (CSE); 2021 - Present.
  • ◇ Minh Nguyen; Undergraduate Student (CSE); 2023 - Present.

Past Lab Members

  • Zhe Qu; Ph.D.; 2022; Associate Professor of Computer Science and Engineering, Central South University, China.
  • Tao Hou; Ph.D.; 2022; Assistant Professor of Computer Science and Engineering, University of North Texas, TX.
  • Shangqing Zhao; Ph.D.; 2021; Assistant Professor of Computer Sceince, University of Oklahoma, OK.
  • Zhengping Luo; Ph.D.; 2021; Assistant Professor of Computer Sceince, Rider University, NJ.
  • ◇ Mohammed Alrowaily; Ph.D.; 2020; Assistant Supervisor of Cybersecurity Department, Jouf University, Saudi Arabia.
  • ◇ Kuan-Hsun Chou; Master; 2022.
  • ◇ Nupur Thakur; Master; 2021.
  • ◇ Lei Pi; Master; 2017; Amazon.